July 9: Driving around in Iceland

July 9th was one of those days that makes up for all the other days that may have been disappointing.  Instead of overpaying for a shore excursion, we found it is significantly cheaper to overpay for a rental car in Iceland, and we also lose the crowds.  P.J. felt much better and the weather was sunny.  So, in the morning we drove to the Reykjanesfólkvangur geopark, southwest of Reykjavik.  We passed through moon-like landscapes, scenic lakes and areas with mud pools, fumaroles and smells.  The area was created by men who were drilling for hot water and found a little more than they bargained for.  I hiked to the top of a hill with beautiful vistas over the park and the Atlantic Ocean, while P.J. spent time taking pictures of, and petting, the local Icelandic horses grazing nearby.  I had not expected an opportunity to hike and had left my hiking boots on the ship, so I was doing it on my loafers.  Along the top there were some narrow, slippery ridges, plus a gale force wind trying to blow me off.  Anyway, it was challenging and fun.

Later we drove along lonely roads that could have been in the interior American West, except we were driving along an ocean.  Then we drove further inland and walked in the crack where the Mid-Atlantic Ridge surfaces and pushes the North American and Eurasian plates ever further apart.  At one point we heard what sounded like rain against the car’s windshield.  Alas, it was not rain but bugs that gradually started to foul up our vision.  However, later we did drive into a driving rainstorm and after that our windshield was clean again.  What a country!