Author Archives: Arjan Post
August 20: Flight Home
The next day it was sunny again in Reykjavík, but we had to leave. On our flight to Boston I got a spectacular view of Greenland from the plane. We flew right over Nanortalik, where we had been in July … Continue reading
August 18-19: Reykjavík, Iceland
When we flew into Reykjavík on Monday, the weather was beautiful. I saw Surtsey from the plane. Surtsey is a new island, created by a volcanic eruption in 1963. I have always been fascinated by the fact there is land … Continue reading
August 16 & 17: Wales
Our main UK destination was Devon, but I could not resist taking a quick look at Wales on our way to Manchester Airport to fly to Iceland. So our Wales visit had to be “American style”: very quick! The first … Continue reading
August 14: Daytrip to Plymouth, England
On the day with the worst weather, we decided to go do a “town thing” and went to Plymouth, from where the Pilgrims once sailed to the new world. Plymouth is a beautiful town with lots of non-Pilgrim history as … Continue reading
August 12-15: Visiting in Devon
Next we visited friends, who live in a house that was converted from a barn that used to belong to the manor house just up the road. The barn house had a separate flat with an independent entrance, which became our quarters … Continue reading
August 10 & 11: England’s South Coast
It was a relief to escape the London crowds on Sunday, when we rented a car at Heathrow airport. After a rainy start, courtesy of ex-hurricane Bertha who visited England that day, we went towards the English south coast. The … Continue reading
August 8 & 9: London
London was incredibly crowded. You had to stand in line everywhere or shuffle in a crowd. We had three nights and two days planned. On our first day we went to the British Museum, within walking distance from our hotel. … Continue reading
August 7: From Holland to the UK
Next day we traveled from Groningen, in northeast Holland, to London by train. We had to change trains twice, once in Rotterdam with only a 13-minute connection, and again in Brussels on the Eurostar. We were concerned about the tight … Continue reading
August 5: Schiermonnikoog: Better than
One of the places I always wanted to visit is Schiermonnikoog, an island off the Dutch north coast. Conceptually, it resembles Nantucket, off the Massachusetts coast. It is an upscale tourist trap, famous for beaches and good restaurants, and it … Continue reading
August 4-August 6: Visiting in Groningen & Drenthe
Since I wrote my last blog entry, more than a week ago, we have been spending time in Holland, visiting friends and family and taking it easy to let P.J recover from her bout with the cruise ship’s virus. In … Continue reading