In 2012, we tried having a single page for all comments about our USA cross-country trip. We decided to do the same thing again this year as we cruise the Atlantic and visit Northern Europe.
Comments are moderated, and we won’t have constant internet access, so if your comments don’t show up right away, know that we will read everything and post the ones we think will be of general interest.
(It’s an easy form of semi-private email if you don’t have our email addresses handy.)
You shall receive my best wishes now, just before your departure. Have a great time and
dont ignore a good bottle of red……
Sounds like you are both having a good start to your worldly tour. We love to read your blog, it is fascinating to hear your day by day adventures. How does it feel to be the youngest kids on the trip? Have a wonderful time and keep us up to date on your fabulous adventures. Love, Dave & Karen.
Each blog sounds more and more exciting. Sounds like you are both having a fantastic time. Love the daily blogs, I can almost picture the places you are touring. Love to you both, Dave & Karen